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Breaking Barriers of Inclusive Education through Girls Get Equal

Before the Girls Get Equal project introduced inclusive education training at Ng’ombekwawa Primary School in Lilongwe district, students with disabilities faced significant barriers to learning. Many parents, fearing stigma and ridicule, kept their children with disabilities at home, denying them access to education.

Comfort Mpeta, a teacher at Ng’ombekwawa Primary School, reflected on the challenges she faced before the training: "I used to unintentionally place children with visual impairments at the back of the class and didn’t adequately support students with disabilities in their studies. This resulted in lower performance and unequal treatment in assessments."

Thanks to the Girls Get Equal project funded by Norad through Plan International Malawi, CRECCOM conducted inclusive education training for teachers at Ng’ombekwawa. Mpeta shared how this training transformed her approach: "Now, I take full ownership of every student in my class. I've learned to identify and cater to students with disabilities effectively. Students with visual and hearing impairments are seated at the front to ensure they grasp the lessons, and I allocate extra time during exams to accommodate their needs."

Mpeta emphasized the positive outcomes of this approach: "Before the project, these adjustments weren’t in place. Now, with the new teaching methodologies taught under Girls Get Equal, students with disabilities are receiving the support they need to succeed academically."


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